

Vision of Engineer Development

 Iwate region aims to be an innovative area for the next generation mobility. Iwate region is, therefore, focusing on developing ‘Engineers capable to create specialized seeds technology’, ‘Engineers capable to work on prototype manufacturing and mass production manufacturing’, and ‘Business managers who bring technologies into industrialization’. Iwate region conducts several training programs on the next generation mobility technologies including EV etc, and aim to develop these competent engineers.

Ichinoseki National College of Technology, Engineer Development Program

Development of engineers for next-generation automobile industries, focusing material design, vehicle design, and specific EV engineering
<Material design, Vehicle design engineer training program>
(1) Surface treatment, material analysis
(2) Basic material physics
(3) 3D-CAD, CAE (CSWA)
(4) MOT, PBL industry-academia cooperative training (COOP)
(5) Cost management, Quality managemen

<EV technology & engineer training program with training kit >
(1) Vehicle architecture, structure
(2) Practical EV development training with training kit
(3) Collaborative work between students and industries
(4) Students team (Ichinoseki National College of Technology, Iwate university and Iwate Prefectural university) to participate
International Students Formula Japan race.

Iwate University, Engineer Development Program

Development of mass production manufacturing engineers with practical skill and engineering knowledge, focusing Meister program on molding technology, casting technology and devices technology.

Iwate Prefectural University, Engineer Development Program

Development of engineers with knowledge on software and ICT, and who can fusion design & manufacturing technologies.


Next generation Mobility, Special Open Seminars

Special open seminars with guest speakers. Cutting edge mobility technology and trends are lectured.

Students of Iwate Formula Japan Team

(Ichinoseki National College of Technology, Iwate University, Iwate Prefectural University)
Iwate 1 college and 2 universities jointly established the EV Formula team, it contributes to reinforce students’ engineering skill, team work and to develop competent engineers.
Project supports for the team activity.

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